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August 16, 2021

Dripping Springs ISD Family:

We understand that frequently changing information regarding protocols and mandates can be challenging and stressful. We are working to provide clear guidance in order to remove as much uncertainty as possible as things continue to evolve. There are two driving forces influencing our decisions as we prepare for the start of a new school year tomorrow: ensuring the safety of our learning community and returning to quality in-person instruction, which we know is critical to the long-term success and well-being of our students.

As of today, the current school health protocols remain in effect as we continue to monitor the changing landscape of local and state orders. We strongly encourage staff, students, and visitors to voluntarily follow the local health order and wear masks when on district property, especially at our elementary campuses where students do not yet have an option to be vaccinated. We recognize the contradicting guidance on the mask mandates from local and state officials. We will continue to follow the previously communicated health and safety protocols, recommending, but not mandating, masks on all campuses.

Our complete protocols are posted on our website and we will continue to update them as needed. Please be advised that the following measures are currently in place:

  • Masks encouraged for staff, students and visitors;

  • Self-screening before coming onto campus;

  • Visitors restricted at lunch;

  • Campuses will not be holding school-wide, indoor assemblies;

  • Sanitization stations and hand sanitizer readily available;

  • COVID-19 positive notifications for all classrooms and buses;

  • Ability to request socially distanced lunch and classroom desk dividers;

  • Ability to opt out of field trips, bus transportation, and gatherings; and

  • Daily updated COVID-19 Dashboard on the DSISD website. We also will continue to monitor the requirements and recommendations outlined by Hays County.

Our community is strong and we must work together to support our students in being successful this new school year. We all play a critical role in safeguarding our classrooms, including staying home when sick to prevent the spread of illness and keep infections out of our schools. While TEA prohibits district-mandated quarantines, we are expecting all members of our learning community to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms and other signs of illness daily before reporting to campus. It has always been the stance of the district to require parents to keep children home if they feel sick or are exhibiting any signs of illness. This continues to be the case and we ask that you follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations for care and quarantining.

We know the return to school this year presents many unique challenges, but we remain optimistic and committed to supporting our students and families. We appreciate your support in adhering to our school health protocols, as well as your patience and partnership in navigating all that we are currently facing. No matter what lies ahead, we will continue to respond together in the best interest of our students.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Sincerely, Dr. Holly Morris-Kuentz Superintendent


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