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March 28, 2021

Eight Dripping Springs ISD students earned special awards at the Texas PTA “Reflections” State Contest of the 16 students who qualified for that level of competition. The qualifying students earned the right to advance to state competition after receiving an Overall Award of Excellence at the district level.

Rooster Springs Elementary second-grader Amelia Grace Callas earned the highest recognition with the Excellence Award in the Literature category with her piece, “I am Unique Because I Am Me.” Earned Awards of Merit were RSE fourth-grader Darby Engels and Walnut Springs Elementary fifth-grader Karsyn Shook. Receiving Honorable Mention at the state level were Dripping Springs Elementary kindergartner Wyatt Badger, RSE fifth-grader Eleanor Engels, Sycamore Springs Middle School seventh-grader Stephanie Gearing, RSE third-grader Finley McKeag, and SSMS seventh-grader Rivers Reid.

The National PTA Reflections program encourages students of all ages and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts. Through the program, National, Texas PTA and Dripping Springs local PTAs urge students at all grade levels to create and submit original works of art in the medium of their choice, reflecting on a specific theme. This year’s theme was “I Matter Because.” Pieces were selected to represent DSISD from various grade divisions (Primary, Intermediate, Middle, and Senior) and categories (Dance Choreography, Visual Arts, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Film Production).


Dance Choreography

Honorable Mention:

Middle School - Stephanie Gearing, “All That Matters” (SSMS, 7th grade)

State Participant:

Intermediate - Eyan Sebastian, “I Got A Magical Feeling” (RSES, 3rd grade)

Film Production

Merit Award:

Intermediate - Darby Engels, “The Glass Ceiling Brakes” (RSES, 4th grade)

Honorable Mention:

Primary - Wyatt Badger, “Teammates” (DSES, Kindergarten)

Middle School - Rivers Reid, “I MATTER” (SSMS, 7th grade)


Excellence Award:

Primary - Amelia Grace Callas, “I am Unique because I am me” (RSES, 2nd grade)

State Participant:

Intermediate - Hayden Mayfield, “Edison Brings Light to the World” (RSES, 4th grade)

Middle School - Eben Sebastian, “The World Matters” (SSMS, 8th grade)

Music Composition

Honorable Mention:

Special Artist - Finley McKeag, “I Matter Because” (RSES, 3rd Grade)

State Participant:

Primary - Bryce Magee, "BE IT! I Matter” (RSES, 2nd Grade)

Intermediate - Odin Magee, “Awesome.” (RSES, 4th grade)

Middle School - Juliana Lamb, “Love is Forever” (SSMS, 7th grade)


Honorable Mention:

Intermediate - Eleanor Engels, “Vote For My Future” (RSES, 5th grade)

State Participant:

Middle School - Michael Gearing, “The Rocky Path to a Better Future” (SSMS, 8th grade)

Visual Arts

Merit Award:

Intermediate - Karsyn Shook, “Ser uno Mismo” (WSES, 5th grade)

State Participant:

Primary - Lily McClay, “Taking Care of My Kitties” (RSES, 2nd grade)


Ocho de los 16 alumnos de Dripping Springs ISD que calificaron para la competencia estatal obtuvieron premios especiales en el Concurso “Reflections” de la PTA de Texas. Los alumnos que calificaron obtuvieron el derecho de avanzar a la competencia estatal después de recibir un premio general de excelencia a nivel de distrito.

Amelia Grace Callas, de segundo grado de la primaria Rooster Springs Elementary, obtuvo el más alto reconocimiento con el Premio a la Excelencia en la categoría de Literatura con su pieza, "Soy única porque soy yo." Los premios de mérito fueron otorgados a Darby Engels, de cuarto grado en RSE y Karsyn Shook, de quinto grado en Walnut Springs Elementary. Recibieron Mención de Honor a nivel estatal Wyatt Badger, de Kínder en Dripping Springs Elementary, Eleanor Engels de quinto grado en RSE, Stephanie Gearing de séptimo grado en Sycamore Springs Middle School, Finley McKeag de tercer grado en RSE y Rivers Reid de séptimo grado en SSMS.

El programa Reflexiones de la PTA Nacional anima a los estudiantes de todas las edades y habilidades a explorar y participar en el campo las artes. A través del programa, la PTA nacional, la de Texas y la PTA local de Dripping Springs, da la oportunidad a los alumnos de todos los grados a crear y presentar obras de arte originales en el medio que ellos elijan, reflexionando sobre un tema específico. El tema de este año fue "Yo importo porque…" Varias piezas fueron seleccionadas para representar a DSISD de todos los niveles de grado (primaria, intermedia y superior) y en diversas categorías (coreografía de danza, artes visuales, literatura, composición musical, fotografía y producción cinematográfica).


Coreografía de danza

Mención de Honor:

Secundaria - Stephanie Gearing, "All That Matters" (SSMS, 7° grado)

Participante estatal:

Escuela intermedia - Eyan Sebastian, "Tengo un sentimiento mágico" (RSES, 3er grado)

Producción cinematográfica

Premio al Mérito:

Escuela Intermedia - Darby Engels, "The Glass Ceiling Brakes" (RSES, 4° grado)

Mención de Honor:

Primaria: Wyatt Badger, "Teammates" (DSES, Kínder)

Secundaria - Rivers Reid, "YO IMPORTO" (SSMS, 7° grado)


Premio a la excelencia:

Primaria - Amelia Grace Callas, "Soy única porque soy yo" (RSES, 2° grado)

Participante estatal:

Escuela intermedia - Hayden Mayfield, "Edison trae luz al mundo" (RSES, 4° grado)

Secundaria - Eben Sebastian, "The World Matters" (SSMS, 8° grado)

Composición musical

Mención de Honor:

Artista especial - Finley McKeag, "I Matter because" (RSES, 3er grado)

Participante estatal:

Primaria - Bryce Magee, "BE IT! I Matter" (RSES, 2° grado)

Escuela intermedia: Odin Magee, "Impresionante". (RSES, 4° grado)

Secundaria - Juliana Lamb, "El amor es para siempre" (SSMS, 7° grado)


Mención de Honor:

Escuela intermedia - Eleanor Engels, "Vote por mi futuro" (RSES, 5° grado)

Participante estatal:

Secundaria - Michael Gearing, "El camino rocoso hacia un futuro mejor" (SSMS, 8° grado)

Artes visuales

Premio al Mérito:

Escuela intermedia - Karsyn Shook, “Ser uno Mismo” (WSES, 5º grado)

Participante estatal:

Primaria: Lily McClay, "Cuidando a mis gatitos" (RSES, 2º grado)


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