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The Dripping Springs High School Speech and Debate Team has an unprecedented 15 students who have qualified to compete at the Texas Forensic Association State Tournament in El Paso March 5-7, 2020. Students earn points toward qualification at TFA-sanctioned invitational tournaments throughout the year. In order to earn points, students have to place among the top students at each tournament. Twelve points must be accumulated to qualify for the state competition.

DSHS students who have qualified for the TFA state tournament, along with their event, are: Eli Craddock, Humorous Interpretation Amanda Davis, World Schools Debate Patrick Englehart, Public Forum Debate and Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking Lizzie Galassini, Congressional Debate Chris Gearing, Policy Debate Daniel Hearne, World Schools Debate Jackson Kaiser, Public Forum Debate and Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking Lily Claire Kroll, Congressional Debate Campbell Melton, Congressional Debate and Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking Chase Menjivar, World Schools Debate John Mihaly, Lincoln-Douglas Debate Katherine Mihaly, Policy Debate Tirth Patel, Public Forum Debate Disha Vazir, Public Forum Debate Riley Wheaton, Original Oratory

In addition to the TFA State Tournament, speech and debate team members have opportunities to qualify for various events of UIL competition.


Quince alumnos del equipo de discurso y debate de la preparatoria Dripping Springs High School han calificado para competir en el Torneo Estatal de la Asociación Forense de Texas en El Paso del 5 al 7 de marzo, 2020. Los alumnos obtienen puntos para calificar en torneos aprobados por la TFA durante el año. Para ganar puntos, los alumnos deben colocarse entre los mejores estudiantes en cada torneo. Ellos deben acumular doce puntos para calificar para la competencia estatal.

Los alumnos de DSHS que han clasificado para el torneo estatal TFA, junto con su evento, son:

Eli Craddock, Interpretación humorística

Amanda Davis, Debate sobre escuelas mundiales

Patrick Englehart, Debate de foro público y oratoria extemporánea extranjera

Lizzie Galassini, Debate de congreso

Chris Gearing, Debate de pólizas

Daniel Hearne, Debate sobre escuelas mundiales

Jackson Kaiser, Debate de foro público y discurso extemporáneo nacional

Lily Claire Kroll, Debate de congreso

Campbell Melton, Debate de congreso y discurso extemporáneo doméstico

Chase Menjivar, Debate sobre escuelas mundiales

John Mihaly, Debate Lincoln-Douglas

Katherine Mihaly, Debate de pólizas

Tirth Patel, Debate de foro público

Disha Vazir, Debate de foro público

Riley Wheaton, Oratoria original

Además del Torneo Estatal TFA, los miembros del equipo de discurso y debate tienen oportunidades de calificar para varios eventos de la competencia UIL.

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