As we begin to prepare for the beginning of the school year, the DSISD Board of Trustees wants the community to know that while the district soon will experience a change in the superintendent of schools, the 2018 bond program approved by the voters is on track and will not be changed or interrupted by the leadership transition.
The decision of the voters in approving the 2018 bond program, which was reviewed and approved in court, created a pact with the community that the Board of Trustees will continue to honor. This commitment to implementation of the 2018 bond program is further supported by the extraordinary volunteer service of hundreds of people in our community, including district employees, who participated in the bond planning process by serving on long-range facility and bond steering committees, attended board meetings and community forums, and voted in the 2018 bond election. During the planning process, all bond projects – including the relocation of Walnut Springs Elementary School – were thoroughly and comprehensively studied, discussed, reviewed, and prioritized. Ultimately, the results of the school community’s hard work resulted in a proposal that was packaged, communicated, and subjected to community approval through the bond election process. This decision will be honored by the district and by the Board of Trustees as elected representatives of our community.
Many great things are happening at DSISD that are only possible because of a shared vision for excellence exemplified by the active and supportive voices in our community from students, staff and families.
Updates on the progress made on the projects included in the 2018 bond program are available on the DSISD website.