Dripping Springs High School was well-represented at the area/regional VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) competition last weekend in San Marcos. The event is sponsored by the Texas Art Education Association. DSHS students presented their work and defended their pieces in front of a judges’ panel; entries were given scores ranging from 1-4. Of the pieces entered, 53 Dripping Springs pieces medaled by receiving Superior ratings of 4, which is considered “all-region” recognition, including 11 students who earned two medals each.
Eight of those entries then were named “all-area,” which means those students have qualified for the state competition. The 2019 State VASE competition will be held April 26-27 at San Marcos High School. State qualifiers (with the names of their entries) are:
Isabelle Avena - "Imperial"(pictured)
Vasi Bjeletich - "Commandment"
Katie Hilton - "In Your Face"
Jade Howe - "Pests"
Hailey Kirkup - "Stop Trophy Hunting"
Jacob Pedersen - "Out of the Depths"
Melissa Richardson (2 pieces) - "Greater Is She" and "Roadeo"
Students who earned two medals were: Isabelle Avena, Vasi Bjeletich, Emily Dart, Maya Diaz, Hailey Kirkup, Grace Maddux, Hannah Mitchell, Jacob Pedersen, Emily Pundt, Melissa Richardson, and Aurora Sloan. Other medal winners were: Gabrielle Avena, Jade Berry, Karlee Carter, Lily Cloud, Cat Covatta, London Farris, Allie Haberman, Maddie Hassell, Royce Heflin, Haley Hetherington, Sydney Hetherington, Katie Hilton, Jade Howe, Ella Johnson, Jazzy Kane, Aidan Kappler, Angie Lepe-Silva, Lyndsay Lester, Emma Maebius, Katherine Mahaly, Jonathan Manzello, Mikey Marquez, Kora Meyers, Katherine Mitchell, Michelle Miyamoto, Lillian Redmond, Estee Revill, Delia Smith, Mary Smith, Myia Weeden, Megan Wolter, and Kyndall Womack.
La preparatoria Dripping Springs High School estuvo bien representada en el concurso regional de artes visuales escolares VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Event) el 2 de marzo en San Marcos. El evento es patrocinado por la asociación Texas Art Education Association. Los alumnos de DSHS presentaron su trabajo y defendieron sus piezas ante un panel de jueces; las entradas recibieron calificaciones que van del 1 al 4. De las piezas ingresadas, 53 de Dripping Springs HS obtuvieron una medalla por recibir una calificación de 4 o Superior, que se considera toda región, e incluye 11 alumnos que obtuvieron dos medallas cada uno.
Ocho de esas entradas fueron nombradas como toda área, lo que significa que los alumnos calificaron para la competencia estatal. La competencia estatal VASE 2019 se llevará a cabo el 26 y 27 de abril en la preparatoria San Marcos HS. Los que calificaron para la estatal (con los nombres de sus obras) son: Isabelle Avena - "Imperial" Vasi Bjeletich - "Mandamiento" Katie Hilton - "En tu cara" Jade Howe - "Plagas" Hailey Kirkup - "Stop Trophy Hunting" Jacob Pedersen - "Fuera de las Profundidades" Melissa Richardson (2 piezas) - "Greater Is She" y "Roadeo"