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The Dripping Springs ISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved the hiring Kristen Ray as principal of Sycamore Springs Elementary on July 20. Ms. Ray has been employed since 2014 as a senior consultant for The Leader In Me, which is part of the Franklin Covey Education Division.

Ms. Ray began her career in education at Roosevelt ISD where she taught first grade in addition to serving as a Title 1 reading teacher. From there she moved to North East ISD as a second-grade teacher. She continued for an additional 12 years at North East ISD serving as both assistant principal and principal for several different campuses.

Ms. Ray earned her bachelor’s degree in human development from Texas Tech University and her master’s degree in educational administration from Wayland Baptist University.

“I am honored to serve as the new principal at Sycamore Springs Elementary,” said Ms. Ray. “I look forward to partnering with the community, parents, and the amazing staff to create an empowering culture of learning for our students.”


La mesa directiva Dripping Springs ISD aprobó de forma unánime el contrato de Kristen Ray como la directora de Sycamore Springs Elementary el 20 de julio. Ms. Ray ha trabajado desde el 2014 como consejera principal para el programa Líder en Mí, que es parte de la división educativa Franklin Covey.

Ms. Ray comenzó su carrera educativa en Roosvelt ISD donde enseñó primer grado además de servir como maestra de lectura Title 1. De ahí ella se mudó a North East ISD como maestra de segundo grado, continuando su plazo ahí durante 12 años sirviendo como asistente al director y directora en diferentes escuelas dentro del mismo distrito.

Ms. Ray sacó su título en desarrollo humano con la universidad Texas Tech y su maestría en administración educativa con Wayland Baptist University.

“Me siento orgullosa de servir como la nueva directora en Sycamore Springs Elementary,” dijo Ms. Ray. “Espero ansiosa asociarme con la comunidad, los padres de familia, y el asombroso personal para crear una cultura de aprendizaje poderosa para nuestros estudiantes.”

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